Euphoria Festival is proud to present a special gift for our overnight campers, the unveiling of our first-ever Silent Disco stage, brought to you by San Francisco’s HUSHconcerts. The nation’s leading silent disco producer, HUSHconcerts created over 160 events in 2016 alone, including immersive “HUSHcasts” at festivals like Electric Forest, Lightning in a Bottle, Gathering of the Vibes, Bottlerock, and Treasure Island Music Fest. Manning the decks will be a mixture of Austin local heroes and regional phenoms. Friday, The PELIGROSA CREW, featuring DJ MANNY, ORION, and MANOLO BLACK, DJ MANCUB and MOTION POTION. Saturday: MADHATTER, AARON JACKSON, DJ KNOWLEDGE, DRRTYWULVS, IRIS SAMURAI, RYAN VISIER, BONUS JUNK and HAPPY JAMES. Sunday: LAWRENCE & CELERO, ZAC & NASSIF, GUN SCHMFF, WILLGOOD, MOTION POTION, DJ MANNY and MANCUB. The HUSHcast is free to all campers and we welcome your participation.